School Programs
Presentations and master classes for the Delaware Valley School District and beyond
March 2 Celebrated masters of music and word, pianist Frederic Chiu and narrator David Gonzalez presented two beloved stories as Carnival of the Animals and Peter and the Wolf to an audience of all ages at DVHS auditorium. watch video
January 22 Renowned storyteller-author, David Gonzalez revisited DV primary schools. watch video
January 25 West Point Academy Wind Quintet taught and performed for students of DVHS. watch video
October 4 Prizewinning singers of Midtown Quartet performed and offered a workshop for students of DVHS and DDMS. watch video
November 1 Noted NYC-based jazz guitarist Roni Ben-Hur and three of his friends/musicians visited Delaware Valley High School and Dingman-Delaware Middle School. video
February 24 Simple Gifts Duo entertained and enlightened the kids of Dingman-Delaware Primary and Elementary schools with folk music from around the world. video
March 17 World-renowned American virtuoso, Alexander Markov came to DVHS & DDMS to teach and to perform on his acoustic violin and on his uniquely designed Golden electric violin. video
March 30 Celebrated concert cellist and KSAP's Artistic Director, Yosif Feigelson, performed for and coached cello and other string players at DVHS.
October 6 Operatic soloists of Philadelphia's renowned Academy of Vocal Arts, soprano Emily Margevich, tenor Angel Gomez and pianist Jose Melendez, visited DDMS and DVHS to offer presentations and a masterclass. see video
November 3 Virtuoso marimbanist/percussionist Greg Giannascoli and pianist Ron Stabinsky performed for the students of DVHS and DDMS. and shared their artistic experience. video
February 24 Noted guitarist, educator and composer, David Cullen teaches classes and plays for the students of Delaware Valley High School. video
April 29 DVHS Jazz Festival. The distinguished judges/clinicians, Patrick Dorian, John Castellano and Michael Carbone, were grading student ensembles from neighboring PA, NJ and NY and offered each a brief workshop. Winners were announced by the end of the day. video
October 11 Flute, viola and piano trio of CreArtBox - a noted nonprofit of musicians and artists in NYC - gave a masterclass and performed for students of DVHS. video
November 4 Resurgam Quartet - an impressive group of aspiring saxophone players from Hartford, CT - visited Dingman-Delaware Middle School to coach and to perform for students. video
June 1 The young star Tesla Quartet offered online presentation Viaggi in Italia, and answered live questions from DVHS orchestra members. video
June 1-3 Popular American conductor/composer/song-leader, Nick Page, conducted three days of Mini-Opera! online workshop for 4th and 5th graders teaching them how to put words to music. video
October 8 A rising marimba soloist, Britton-René Collins came to Delaware Valley High School with a presentation about various percussion instruments and a student workshop. video
November 5 NYC-based ensemble of top orchestral and chamber music players, The Chamberlain Brass performed variety of music and conducted a workshop for brass players at DVHS and DDMS. video
October 9 The distinguished Finger Lakes Guitar Quartet offered online presentation for DVHS music students. video
November 6 Members of the renowned Imperial Brass played impressive videos and met online with DVHS brass players. video
November 21 Former trumpet player with The David Letterman's Late Show, Al Chez, made online presentation and chatted live with members of DV Jazz Band. video
January 25 GOLDEN RULE: ODDS BODKIN, storyteller/musician, read empathy awareness related stories accompanied by harp and guitar music at DVSD elementary schools. video
April 13 TRIBUTE TO CARLOS SANTANA: NEPA-based 10-men ensemble, SE ACABO, offered student workshop and an evening concert at DDMS auditorium. video
October 4 GARDEN OF JOYS & SORROWS: Highly virtuosic NYC-based HAT TRICK TRIO of flute, viola and harp made presentations and a masterclass for students of DVHS & DDMS. video
November 1 INFUSION BAROQUE, a Montreal-based ensemble, visited schools of the Delaware Valley district. video
January 22 FOLK TALES & FABLES: Renowned poet, musician and storyteller, DAVID GONZALEZ visits DVSD elementary schools. video
April 27 GOT THAT SWING! Led by noted trumpet player, The Joseph Boga Nonet offered a daytime workshop and an evening concert at DVHS. video
October 5 RED VIOLIN: The acclaimed virtuoso-violinist, Caroline Goulding conducted a string workshop and performed at DDMS. video
November 2 BEES, PLEASE! ENGLEWINDS, an eco-ensemble of woodwinds, performed and gave a student masterclass at DVHS. video
February 3 KHORIKOS A Capella Vocal Ensemble at DDMS and DVHS. video
May 21 THE JOY OF DIXIELAND with PENN DIXIE BAND, INDIGO MOON BRASS and DV Jazz Combo. Workshop and concert at DVHS auditorium. video
October 6 REINVENTING BAROQUE: PUBLIQuartet entertains and teaches at DVHS and DDMS. video
November 3 TEMPEST OF THE HEART: Ilya Yakushev, piano and Yosif Feigelson, cello at DVHS auditorium. video
February 29 Mirror Visions Vocal Ensemble at DDMS and DVHS. video
April 29 Happy Birthday, Duke! The Joseph Boga Octet, DVMS and DVHS jazz bands. video
October 7 Zodiac Trio and Robert Sherman at DDMS and DDES video
November 4 Verona String Quartet visits DVHS video
April 25 Cuban Fire! Upper Valley Winds and DVHS Jazz Band. video
June 5 Singers R'Us: Nick Page with students of DVSD. video
October 9 Calidore String Quartet at DVHS and DDMS. video
November 6 Donald Sinta Saxophone Quartet at DVHS. video
January 17 Liberating Musicality: E. Feygelson, violin, Y. Feigelson, cello. video
April 25 Jazz singer Chris McNulty, P. Bollenback, guitar, S. Varner, bass. video
May 16 Eugene Feygelson, violin and Bobby Mitchell, piano. video
October 3 Musical Odyssey: Guidonian Hand Trombone Quartet. video
November 14 Lysander Piano Trio visits DVHS. video
March 11 When Music Meets Art: video
April 26 Kenny Werner, jazz pianist/composer video
October 4 Crosswinds Quintet
November 8 Naoko Takada, marimba
February 3 Amphion String Quartet video
September 29 Russian Treasures: The Feigelson Trio
October 19 Essence of Joy Alumni Singers
February 4 Linden Quartet
March 4 Ensemble Segue video
September 30 Lion That Could Not Roar: Neolit Ensemble
November 19 Peter and the Wolf
February 7 Phyllis Chen, piano and toy piano video
March 19 Don Miller Jazz Band
October 21,22 Nu Direction Winds (also at Wallenpaupack schools)
February 6 Yosif Feigelson/Paap Lassmann Duo
April 17 Duo Del Norte, flute/guitar
September 25 Syrabrite5 Chamber Players video
November 13 Lori Mirabal, soprano
March 14 On Wings of Song: Jamie Van Eyck and Christopher Herbert, singers and Hiromi Fukuda, piano
October 10 Phylos Brass (also at Wallenpaupack schools)
November 7 Carducci String Quartet
January 19 Oxbow Quartet
October 4, 5 Justin Kolb, pianist (also at Wallenpaupack schools)
February 24 Damocles Trio and Robert Sherman, narrator
September 15 Antares Quartet (also at Wallenpaupack schools)
January 30 Alpin Hong, piano
March 6 Sylvan Winds with Scotty Davis, narrator
September 16 Nature in Music: Feigelson/Lassmann Duo
March 4 Sylvan Winds
September 17 Afternoon Serenade: Valerie Saalbach and Stephen Oustig, singers with Mark Pakman, piano
September 4 Hye-Jin Kim, violin
October 4 Vega String Quartet
Alpin Hong
Jamie Van Eyck
Vega String Quartet